Resource Circulation

Basic Stance

Wastes reduction also contributes to Scope 3 reduction. We declared "Archiving Carbon Neutrality by 2050" in FY 2022, and we are sure that the activity of emission substances reduction is a significant approach in progressing it.
Since we formulated our environmental policy in 1995, we have included "emission substances reduction" and have set a medium and long-term target to tackle and have achieved results. We will continue to promote 3R activities (reduce, reuse, recycle) and contribute to Scope 3 reduction.

Emission Reduction Initiatives

Recycling of Paper from Sales Offices

Most of the waste produced by sales offices is cardboard and paper.
Since our plants made a zero-emissions statement in 2003 to promote eco-friendly processing, we switched to paper-specialist disposal firms to dispose of paper wastes at sales offices in 2013 and completed that at all sales offices in FY 2019.
This switch contributes to the following two points.

● Reduction of incineration as burnable waste --> reducing CO2 emissions
● Recycling of paper as a raw material --> protection of forests

*Excludes sales offices within plants. As well, multiple sales offices housed within the same building are counted as a single office.

Initiative on Zero-emission Reinforcement

Environmental pollution issues regarding plastic trash, such as marine pollution and illegal dumping, are felt to be related to appropriate waste disposal.
From the standpoint of a waste disposal company, we not only regularly visit waste disposal sites to confirm the appropriate status of disposal, but also prioritize disposal companies that actively promote recycling from the selection stage of subcontractors.
We define zero emissions as burial/simple incineration amounts of less than 1% and resource reuse of at least 99% of all waste produced, achieving these goals in 2003; we have worked to maintain them ever since.