Human Resource Management

Human Resource Basic Policy

Through the respect and cultivation of employee individuality, we create new value and contribute to the sustainable society.

Ideal Human Resources

Diversification of Human Resources

Companies grow thanks to a climate that makes the most of diverse individuality, values, and characteristics to maximize employee ability.
We will work to diversify human resources and to create a solid human resource foundation through a well-equipped system supporting their workstyles.

Related link: Status of initiatives on diversification of human resources

Human Resource Cultivation

Based on the philosophy that "companies are their people," we develop human resources on the action policies of "consistent honesty and integrity" and "pursuit of value creation."
In addition to general education, specialized education required for work, as well as education by job level, we have a thorough program of support for self-education such as business school or language study abroad.
We also work to foster individual employees' independence and active agency, with an internal awards system for evaluating employee activities and promotion of projects with recruited members, encouraging employees to grow and make the most of the abilities based in their individual characters.

System Supporting Diverse Workstyles

Work satisfaction is defined as "comfort at work" x "satisfaction." We are building a workplace environment where staff can engage independently in their work.

●Support for Childcare/Nursing Care Balance
We support the balance of childcare and nursing care with work through shorter work hours for childcare until the child finishes third grade and for nursing care over a period up to three years, separate from nursing care leave, both exceeding the measures prescribed by law.

●Flextime Work with No Core Time
We have introduced a flextime work system with no core time, meaning that as workers can choose their own start and finish work time and the hours they work, they are able to work more efficiently while balancing work and life.

●Remote Work
The use of IT enables flexible workstyles making effective use of work hours and locations. We support employees in continuing their work without adverse effects caused by lifestyle changes such as childbirth, childcare, nursing care, and so on.

●Annual Paid Leave, Refreshment Leave and Free Vacation Leave
In order to ensure that our employees are fully rested and refreshed physically and mentally and thus to raise productivity, we provide more annual paid leave days than required by law. In addition, annual paid leave that expires due to the expiration of the accrual period can be taken as accumulated paid leave in case of injury or illness or before retirement.

●Accumulated Paid Leave System
We have introduced an accumulated paid leave system in order to enable leave for long-term medical treatment due to illness or injury, childcare and nursing care to be treated as paid leave.

Health Management

NITTO KOGYO Corp. considers the maintenance and promotion of the health of each and every employee as one of the most important management issues, and has established the "Health Declaration" and is engaged in various activities to ensure that employees can work in good health and vigor into the future.

Health Declaration

Health is the foundation of a happy life.
We foster a culture in which each employee values his or her own health.
We will work to create an environment where each and every employee can work "happily, energetically, and in their own way".

NITTO KOGYO Corp. is committed to promoting health maintenance and promotion activities so that its employees can lead fruitful and healthy lives, both physically and mentally.

President & COO Toru Kurono

Wellness Management Activity Structure


Strategic Map


External evaluation

On March 11, 2024, NITTO KOGYO CORPORATION was recognized as a "Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization" (Large Enterprise Category) under the "Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program" selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council.